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  1. Reinforcement Learning Tutorial: Semi-gradient n-step Sarsa and Sarsa(λ) Theory and Implementation

    Reinforcement Learning Tutorial:
    Semi-gradient n-step Sarsa and Sarsa($\lambda$)
    Theory and Implementation

    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is an exciting area of A.I that offers something entirely different to supervised or unsupervised techniques. In RL, an 'agent' learns to interact with an environment in a way that maximises the reward it receives with respect to some task. RL is distinct from supervised learning, which specifies via labelled examples the correct way for a system to act in every situation (whereas in RL only the end goal is specified, but not how to achieve it). It is also distinct from unsupervised learning, which although similarly unreliant on examples of correct behaviour, is concerned with finding hidden structure in unlabelled data rather than maximising reward signals.

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